About the Journal
JICDA: Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science And Artificial Intelligence: Is a Scientific Journal in the fields of Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science and also Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence or abbreviated as JICDA is published twice a year (6 months), namely in December and June. JICDA: Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science And Artificial Intelligence aims to publish research in the fields of computer science, Informatics Engineering, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence which focus on publishing quality scientific papers about the latest information about developments in computer science. Articles submitted will be reviewed by the Reviewer Team (the Journal and Association technical committee). All articles submitted must be original reports, research results that have never been published before. Articles submitted to the Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence may not be published elsewhere before a decision has been made by the editor. Articles must follow the writing style provided and must go through a Peer-review process by applying the Double Blind Review concept.
JICDA : Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence consists of several special topics in the field of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence, including Algorithms and Programming, Cryptography and Security System, Steganograpy, Digital Image Processing, Networking, High-Performance Computing, Compter Vision, Pattern Recognition, Geographics Information System, Software Engineering, Internet and E-Commerce, Data Mining, Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Metaheuristic Optimization, Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Support System, Robotics, and Information System.
JICDA : Journal of Informatics, Computer Science, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence published by Arka Sains Tech (Arstech), Medan, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 3031-9145.